comxmlrpc: XML-RPC Libraries for COM |
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comxmlrpc 1.0p1 released!
Patch1 has been released. It corrects a problem caused when a server returned complex results.
comxmlrpc 1.0 released!
comxmlrpc 1.0 has just been released. It contains feature
enhancements like queued requests, performance
upgrades, and many internal changes. Go to the Files
section to download the last version.
what is comxmlrpc?
comxmlrpc is a free, thread-safe, production-use library for accessing XML-RPC servers via the XML-RPC specification.
who wrote it?
Ignacio Vazquez <> wrote this library using Visual Basic 6.0.
what are the terms of use?
has been released under a BSD License. This mean that you CAN
download, redistribute and modify the code for free!.
It's sourcecode has also been released so everybody can look, contribute and
help with the project.
is comxmlrpc compatible with other XML-RPC implementations?
comxmlrpc was designed according the XML-RPC specification, so this product can interact with third-party implementations without any problem or modification.
I found a bug, what should I do?
Please, send a message to describing the problem, o post it on the Bugs section of the project.
where can I find more information about XML-RPC
you can find lots of information on it's official website ( and of course in any search engine out there.
Calls "someClass.sum" in server localhost, port 80, path /RPC2 with '3' and '5' as arguments
xmlrpcserver as comxmlrpc.rpcClient
dim params() as Variant
dim x as Integer
set xmlrpcserver = new
redim params(1)
params(0) = 3
params(1) = 5
xmlrpcserver.uri = "http://localhost:80/RPC2"
x = xmlrpcserver.execute("someClass.sum",params)
Calls "someClass.structRecv" with a struct as parameter
xmlrpcserver as comxmlrpc.rpcClient
dim params() as Variant
dim x as Integer
set xmlrpcserver = new
dim dictionary As
Set dictionary = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
dictionary.Add "name", "ignacio"
dictionary.Add "age", "17"
redim params(0)
set params(0) = dictionary
xmlrpcserver.uri =
x =
xmlrpcserver("someClass.structRecv",params) ' using
.execute default method
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